Monday, 28 September 2015

MuscleMassBrothers at Polsat Boxing Night

Polsat Boxing Night

The fierce night of boxing in Poland, Lodz at Atlas Arena has been an amazing experience for Muscle Mass Brothers. The 26th of September has been a must watch with many amazing Polish and International fighters.

Tomasz Jabłoński - Bartosz Gołębiewski (3 Rounds)
Maciej Miszkiń- Tomasz Gargula  (8 Rounds)
Ewa Brodnicka - Ewa Piątkowska  (8 Rounds)
Kamil Szeremeta - Patrick Mendy (8 Rounds)
Michał Cieślak - Shawn Cox  (8 Rounds)
Dariusz Sęk – Cornelius White  (10 Rounds)
Nagy Aguilera - Marcin Rekowski  (10 Rounds)

Final Fight
Tomasz Adamek – Przemyslaw Saleta (10 Rounds)

The final fight of the night is between two polish boxing stars: ex-champion with world titles  in junior heavyweight and light-heavyweight also with European titles Tomasz Adamek who has fought with ex-champion of Poland and Europe in Heavyweight Przemyslaw Saleta.

The fight has been pretty much one sided with great domination from younger and lighter boxer who has won after 5th round Tomasz Adamek. Even as many viewers were disappointed the fight showed that sport has no boundaries and as long we are willing to train hard we can do impossible in the age that nobody would expect such thrilling fight. It has been a great motivational experience and a night which Muscle Mass Brothers will remember for a long time.

The Atlas Arena in Lodz was amazing with great light and sound effects and exciting atmosphere. Muscle Mass Brothers will attend more of amazing fighting events and would suggest anybody interested in any kind of fighting sports.  We will be awaiting another great event which will be held in London.

The event was  a great invitation to Polish MMA federation KSW which for the first time will be held in Wembley stadium in London on October.   

#MuscleMassBrothers #Boxing #Event

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Gaining Muscle Mass #Diet MuscleMassBrothers

Importance of Gaining, Muscle Mass Diet

Eat quality food. Increase your protein. Train hard.

Those rules may seem obvious, but here's the catch: the order they're in matters. Two of Muscle Mass Brothers are on gaining diet. More muscle you have, the more you have to feed. The key is feeding your muscles consistently with high-quality fuel.

We could go down to numbers with macros but each person will have different intake of proteins, carbs and fats. We will tell you the priorities, because the way they break down for everyone is going to be different. Here are the three guiding principles that determine what goes on my plate:

Balance meals around lean protein
Include nutrient-rich, low-glycemic carbs
Enjoy generous portions of healthy fats


Our muscles are made out of a protein that is why we use them to build up our body. Well, not quite. The amino acids that make up protein are the building blocks of muscle, and your body needs these substances during and after training for repair and recovery. It breaks down the protein into the respective aminos, uses them for their various functions, and then you convert what doesn't get used. While training at gym we break our muscle tissues that is why we need to replenish them, so balancing it out with adequate amounts of protein throughout the day is important.

We take in 1.5 to 1.75 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight per day and divide that total number by the number of meals.  We need to calculate how much protein each day we need to consume. Spread this across 6 meals. The reason we eat protein frequently throughout the day is that muscles are built outside the gym. We may spend an hour or two training each day, but it's the other 22 hours or so when we earn our results.

The amount of protein we eat is a secondary concern. Quality comes first, so think "what" before "how much." For Muscle Mass Brothers, the "what" is lean and not fried. If you adhere to eating lean, non-fried sources of protein, you maximize your chances of gaining maximum amounts of muscle with minimal increases in body fat. My favorite sources of lean protein are standard: egg whites, chicken breast, 98 percent or leaner ground beef, turkey, fish, and quality protein supplements.

Another benefit of protein is that it doesn't raise insulin like carbs do. Insulin is a powerful hormone, and elevating levels at non-optimal times—basically any point in the day besides post-workout—can lead to increased fat storage. By eating lean protein often and carbs more strategically, we keep insulin levels in-check until the time comes when we want to raise them.


Protein is the cornerstone of bodybuilding nutrition plan in that it determines how many meals we eat each day. But carbs and healthy fats are equally important and so is their quality. One of the most common questions we get from people is if we eat a low-carb diet to stay sub 8-percent body fat.

On harder training days, we consume upward of 500 g of carbs. It all comes down to finding the amount of carbs your body can actually utilize and consuming them strategically, rather than letting cravings or social situations determine it for you. Out-of-control carb intake leads to unwanted spikes in insulin, which lead to fat gain. It's that simple.

Carbohydrates give our working muscles the energy to do their job. Without them, we would feel tired, and our gym sessions would definitely struggle as a result. Just like we approach our protein intake as a way to repair our muscles after training, we aim for the carb "sweet spot" where we can maximize energy and glycogen replenishment. And just like with protein, quality is crucial. Our carbs come from high-fiber, high-nutrient foods. We should include plenty of sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and brown rice, among others.


When trying to gain size, fat is a great source of calories, offering double that of both carbs and protein. Fat gives 9 calories per gram. Carbs and protein both give 4 calories per gram.

More calories? How could that be good when you're trying to avoid getting fat? Remember, the quality of the calories you pack in is the first priority when you're trying to pack on quality muscle. Enjoy—that's right, I said enjoy—the following four sources first and foremost, and you can't go wrong:

Nuts and nut butters (high quality nu butter with high % of nuts)
Olives/olive oil

There are nutrients within these fat sources which decrease inflammation, improve mental function, improve eyesight, and give you healthier skin, hair, and nails. When we are crushing the iron in the gym each day, our goal is to be strong and big, but also healthy and mobile. To get that way, we need to eat all of these generously on a regular basis, and we also take omega-3 supplements daily, in the form of fish oil or krill oil.

There's some cool science showing how omega-3 fats might actually burn fat as well as provide other benefits. Cheap, processed fats from things like butter, chips, and ranch dip, on the other hand, are simply a "no."


Bodybuilding is more than a culture it's a lifestyle. You can't do it sloppily and succeed, especially if you have high-level competitive ambitions like some of Muscle Mass Brothers members. Your results speak for themselves, and your hard work pays off in ways that you can see, feel, and measure. There's nothing like the feeling when it all comes together.

For more informations, Diet, Training or have any questions do not hesitate to contact Muscle Mass Brothers via website, Facebook or Forum.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

#Full-Body Workout #MuscleMassBrothers


"Einstein famously defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result."

What is  Full-body workout training? 

How do we build our muscles?  What is the true way of muscle perfection?  The true way to build a chiseled, muscular physique is day after day, year after year of hard 4-5 times a week of training. But is it the only way?

Hard work is still needed. You get as much as you give in to your training. However, you don't have to train on a split system four or more days each week to see gains. The full-body workout can help you progress and is easy to fit into your schedule.

Full-Body workout has become a stereotype but it can be used to lose weight and/or gain muscles. One of our Muscle Mass Brothers is on this regime and in few weeks will show his transformations.
Full-Body workout is not what some people think. It is not only lightweights and lots of rest. Real full-body workout uses relatively heavy weights but not too heavy so you can accomplish your reps. You can shape this kind of training depending on your goals.

Few points about Full-Body workout:


Probably the biggest positive about training your entire body at once is that your gym frequency decreases to around two to three times every seven days. However to complete all exercises takes around 1 hour and if you add to it Cardio for reduction like 45 minutes of running or cycling will add up to your training to around 2 hours. 3 days a week = 6h hours  


Squeezing solid 3-4 sets per body part into a 60-minute workout session gets your cardiovascular system up to speed in a hurry.


Train every 2 days if you want to make it to insane intensity you can fit in 6 days of full body workout and rest on Sunday.
Training with weights every few days in between full-body workouts can be used to add a few cardio sessions.


Many athletes who try full-body workouts get trapped into training lighter than they usually would in order to conserve energy for body parts that come later in their routine. However it is all up to you to make most progress we need exercise in progressive and optimal level we can create a training journal where we can note down what weights per sets we use. We can add weights week to week slightly increasing to build up our strength. Keep your weights as heavy as you can.


It is very important to limit our exercise per muscle group.  
The exercise allow you to move heavy weights and overload the muscles without performing endless exercises. Once you choose your exercises, plan your routines so you do 3-to-4 sets of each exercise for 10-to-15 repetitions.


When you are planning your workouts, remember that resistance training affects your natural muscle building hormones and adjust accordingly.
Lots of big compound exercises will help boost your natural testosterone levels; however, long workouts also boost levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.
Keeping your workouts fairly brief but still intense is ideal for getting the best of both worlds. Sticking to 60 minutes or less is a good rule of thumb.


During full-body workouts, large amounts of glycogen are used to fuel your exertions, so it's important that you replenish your glycogen stores as soon as possible after training.
Replenishing your glycogen right after training jump-starts the recovery process. Conversely, not taking advantage of this crucial time can slow your results significantly. Think of it as filling up the gas tank on your car after a long drive.


Training chest first for every full-body workout is doing a disservice to the rest of your physique's symmetry.
What seems to work better for ensuring your three major body parts get equal attention is alternating between doing chest, back, and legs first in your three workouts a week. Don't always leave abs or calves for last, though!


Based on our forum and one of the Muscle Mass Brothers we have set of exercises

Lets talk about Training A:

  1. Squat with the barbell (on the back)
  2. Leg Curl depending on the machine you have in the gym (sitting/laying down)
  3. Arm Bar Row above the grip
  4.  Deadlifts
  5.  Front Dumbbell Raise
  6.  Lateral Raise
  7. Dumbbell Chest Press (flat bench)
  8.  Incline flyes on bench
  9. Barbell Curl

Training B:

  1. Sit up with barbell in front
  2. Pull ups Wide grip
  3. Arm Bar Row under the grip
  4. Standing military Press
  5. Upright Barbell Row
  6. Incline Bench Press
  7. Dips
  8. Biceps with dumbbell

Week 1:                                                                                               Week 2:
Day 1: A15
Day 1: B15
Day 2: B10
Day 2: A10
Day 3:  A5
Day 3: B5

# Training with 15 reps have 3 sets
#Training with 10/5 reps have 4 sets

            Day 1: A 15 = We use training A with 15 reps of 3 sets per exercise
Day 2: B10 = We use training B with 10 reps of 4 sets per exercise 

If we are on reduction we can add 30-45 minutes of cardio with heart rate of 135-145 BPM
and after each training add 20 minutes of ab work. 

We advise to change our exercise training every 8 weeks to keep our body adapting to different types of exercise for better progress.

Muscle Mass Brother welcome any questions and can help you in Full-Body workout and other trainings, If you want to find out more check our Facebook, Website and Forum

We can help in your training or even train with you just contact us for more info.



Bent-over barbell rows
Seated cable rows


Standing barbell curls
Alternate dumbbell curls
Preacher curls


Bench presses
Incline barbell presses
Dumbbell presses


Parallel-bar dips
Lying dumbbell Extensions


Dumbbell presses
Behind Neck presses
Upright rows


Standing calf raises
Seated calf raises
Donkey calf raises


Leg presses
Hack squats


Hanging leg raises
Decline-bench crunches
Rope crunches

Check our website:

#MuscleMassBrothers #Full-body #Workout